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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:在文艺复兴时期,学者区分了3 种形式的自然:第一自然,即未受人类扰动的荒地;第二自然,是人类为农业生产在可耕地、草地和菜园上形成的;第三自然,指所有以欣赏和休闲为目

在文艺复兴时期,学者区分了3 种形式的自然:第一自然,即未受人类扰动的荒地;第二自然,是人类为农业生产在可耕地、草地和菜园上形成的;第三自然,指所有以欣赏和休闲为目的的人造园。

而后矿业转型创造出了第4 种形式:工业自然。工业遗址作为完全人造的场所重归于大自然的作用,让它们成为主宰。动植物占据着这些遗址,创造出前所未有的自然景象。





1 由鲁尔区联盟管理的埃姆舍景观公园是该地区绿色基础设施的支柱。它东西绵延逾80km,包含大量后矿业地标和公园/The Emscher Landschaftspark managed by Regionalverband Ruhr is the backbone of the region's green infrastructure. It stretches out for more than 80km from East to West and includes numerous post-mining landmarks and parks(图片版权/Copyright: Regionalverband Ruhr)




In the renaissance, scholars distinguished three forms of nature: the first nature, which is wilderness undisturbed by man; the second nature that is shaped by man for agricultural production on arable fields, grassland and in vegetable gardens; and the third nature meaning/comprising all the man-made gardens for esthetic enjoyment and leisure.

The post-mining transition created a fourth form: the industrial nature. Industrial sites as totally anthropogenic places are re-captured by natural processes. They re-gain the upper hand. Plants and animals conquer these sites and create images of nature previously unknown.

This concept of different natures and the Anthropocene era may thus help us to understand the post-mining designs of European landscape architecture better. The Ruhr region - the former heart of Western Germany's mining and steel industry - displays, for example, actual post-mining designs of landscape architects, using all four forms of nature. With the designs, the planners strive for livable future places that respond to the actual challenges of society and environment.

The "Emscher Landschaftspark" as regional park constitutes the green infrastructure backbone of the Ruhr Metropolis. Here, the second nature of agriculture and forestry covers more than 50% of the park's surface. Apart from that, the "Emscher Landschaftspark" embeds numerous lighthouse locations where mining heritage, industrial nature and new landscape designs meet. The following showcases and their different strategies of working with nature are presented here:

(1) The project "Industriewald Rheinelbe",where minimal interventions discover the beauty of post-industrial wilderness;

(2) The "Zollverein Park" in Essen that reframes industrial nature as component of the UNESCO World heritage site "Zeche Zollverein";

(3) The post-mining designs of the biomass parks "Hugo" and "Hassel" - former brownfields becoming public spaces and sites of natural productivity for a carbon-neutral future;

(4) The interdisciplinary project of "PHOENIX See and PHOENIX West" where water and its natural treatment are the key element for redeveloping Dortmund's former steel industry sites.

All these parks and green spaces were designed on post-industrial sites that are tightly linked to the mining history of the Ruhr region. They blend nature in its different forms and create landscape architecture for the Anthropocene era, where the boundary between nature and culture cannot be traced any more,and where man and nature create new environments integrating natural processes and human uses.

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/566.html


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