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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:项目信息/Credits and Data 地点/Location: 德国盖尔森基兴/Gelsenkirchen, Germany建筑设计/Architect: Lohrberg stadtlandschaftsarchitektur 基底面积/Built Area: 22hm2(雨果生物量公

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 德国盖尔森基兴/Gelsenkirchen, Germany建筑设计/Architect: Lohrberg stadtlandschaftsarchitektur

基底面积/Built Area: 22hm2(雨果生物量公园/Biomassepark Hugo),30hm2(哈瑟尔生物量公园/Biomassepark Hassel)设计时间/Design Period: 2006-2014(雨果生物量公园/Biomassepark Hugo),2012-2014(哈瑟尔生物量公园/Biomassepark Hassel)

施工时间/Construction Period: 2012-2017(雨果生物量公园/Biomassepark Hugo),2016-2020(哈瑟尔生物量公园/Biomassepark Hassel)



PHOENIX Dortmund: Urban Water

The former PHOENIX steelworks in Dortmund's district of H?rde have been redeveloped as new neighbourhoods for offices, business, dwelling,non-disturbing industry and education since the year 2000. Water as a natural feature plays the key role in this development. The PHOENIX lake is the most important attractor for the post-industrial urban development. As a constructed ecosystem it maintains its water quality though nature-based solutions. In the PHOENIX West economic activitiy zone, surface water is retained in a designed system of swales and ponds before running-off into the Emscher river. This system helps the city to adapt to the extreme weather events that it will face due to climate change.□

22 总平面;包括东侧的凤凰湖区及凤凰西区。两区由城市中心赫尔德和规划区域北部的埃姆舍河联系起来/Masterplan for the PHOENIX lake area in the East and the PHOENIX West area. The link between the two areas is provided by the H?rde urban centre and the Emscher river in the North of the planned area(图片来源/Sources: SPAP Architektur Stadt Landschaft Dortmund l Stadt Dortmund)

23 1999年的航拍图显示出城市中心赫尔德区东西侧的大型工业区。在随后的几年中,工业装置被拆除,部分运往中国,在那里仍用于炼钢/The aerial photo of 1999 shows the large industrial areas East and West of the urban centre of the H?rde district. During the next years the industrial installations have been dismantled and partly transported to China where they are still used for steel production(图片来源/Sources: Stadt Dortmund)

24 1998/1999年诺贝特·克尔岑贝格的凤凰湖设计方案/Design proposal for the PHOENIX lake by Norbert Kelzenberg in 1998/1999(图片来源/Sources: Norbert Kelzenberg,Stadt Dortmund)

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 德国多特蒙德/Dortmund, Germany

设计团队/Design Team: City of Dortmund, Norbert Kelzenberg (凤凰湖区/PHOENIX See); stegepartner,Dortmund (凤凰西区规划/Masterplan PHOENIX West)

基底面积/Built Area: 214hm2

设计时间/Design Time: 1998

施工时间/Construction Period: 2004-2011(凤凰湖区/PHOENIX See),2002-至今/2002-Ongoing(凤凰西区/PHOENIX West)

25 沼泽会收集凤凰西区的地表水/Swales collect the surface water on the PHOENIX West site(摄影/Photo: RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Rieke Hansen)

26 用于调控凤凰西区地表水的沼泽,背景为炼钢高炉中保留下来的部分。遗址中留下了两座高炉作为工业遗产,作为导游项目的一部分是可以参观的/Swales for surface water management at PHOENIX West with the conserved part of the blast furnace for steel production in the furnace units have been conserved on the site as industrial heritage and are accessible as part of guided visits(摄影/Photo: Sebastian Hopp Architectural photographer)

27 凤凰西区收集的地表水先在池中缓冲,之后流入埃姆舍河。通向高炉矿渣堆的铁路桥如今是凤凰西区公园中的一座纪念碑/The surface water collected on the PHOENIX West area is buffered in a pond before running off into the Emscher river. The railway bridge giving access to the slagheap of the furnaces today is a monument in the park area of PHOENIX West(摄影/Photo: Sabina Leopa)



文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/566.html


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