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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:工业森林莱茵易北:后矿业荒地的最小干预 莱茵易北煤矿于1861 年开采,1928 年停工。此后,第四自然开始以本土和外来植物组成的林地覆盖这个大规模改


莱茵易北煤矿于1861 年开采,1928 年停工。此后,第四自然开始以本土和外来植物组成的林地覆盖这个大规模改造的遗址。这些植物能在极端的土壤和微气候条件下生长。只有矿渣堆在不断积累其他矿井的废物。为了让这个遗址再度引人瞩目、便于游赏,林地里和矿渣堆顶放上了艺术家赫尔曼·普里甘的大地艺术作品,并由一位护林员向游客介绍这个新丛林的特殊植物。

Industriewald Rheinelbe: minimal interventions in post-mining wilderness

2 莱茵易北遗址包含工业林地和艺术家赫尔曼·普里甘的大地艺术作品。矿渣堆顶去掉了所有植被。这座黑色的小山被工业林地的第四自然包围,成为该地区的一个重要地标/The Rheinelbe site with the industrial woodland and land art interventions by artist Herman Prigann. All vegetation has been removed from the top of the Rheinelbe slagheap. The black mountain is surrounded by the fourth nature of industrial woodlands and an important landmark for the region(摄影/Photo: RaBoe/Wikipedia)

3 这座天梯通向赫尔曼·普里甘用原矿业建筑的混凝土构件创造的地标/Steps into the sky lead to the landmark crafted by Herman Prigann out of concrete elements of the former mining buildings(摄影/Photo: Axel Timpe)

The Rheinelbe mine was opened in 1861 and stopped its activity on the site in 1928. Since then fourth nature started to cover the deeply remodeled site with a woodland composed of indigenous and invasive species, which could grow in the extreme soil and microclimate conditions. Only the slagheap was continuously being built-up with material from other mines. To make the site attractive and accessible again, Land-Art interventions by artist Herman Prigann were placed in the woodland and on top of the slagheap. A forests guard introduces visitors to the special vegetation of the new jungle.

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目/Project: 工业森林莱茵易北/Industriewald Rheinelbe

地点/Location: 德国盖尔森基兴/Gelsenkirchen, Germany

概念设计/Concept: IBA Emscher Park

大地艺术设计/Land Art: Hermann Prigann

责任机构/Responsible Institutions: Ministry for Urban Planning and Ministry of the Environment of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia

执行机构/Executing Bodies: Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW and NRW urban GmbH&Co kg

基底面积/Built Area: 36hm2

设计开始时间/Design Start Time: 1995(IBA埃姆舍尔

公园第一次概念研讨会/First concept workshop at IBA Emscher Park)

施工时间/Realisation Period: 1996(开始设置护林员,至今/Start of implementation with forest ranger staff hired,ongoing until today);1996-2003(逐步实施赫尔曼·普里甘的大地艺术作品/Step-by-step implementation of Land Art by Hermann Prigann)


Zollverein Park Essen: reframing industrial nature

4 关税同盟公园总平面,原关税同盟煤矿在东,关税同盟焦化厂在西。公园的设计是逐步实施的,并考虑了原有的微环境和植被。红线标出的环形步道限定了公园的内核,它又被绿色标出的工业林地包围/General plan of the Zollverein Park with the former Zollverein mine in the East and the Zollverein Coking Plant in the West. The design for the park is implemented step by step and with respect to the existing micro-situations and the vegetation. The ring promenade represented as a red line confines the inner core of the park which is also surrounded by the industrial woodlands represented in green (规划/Plan:Planergruppe Oberhausen)

5 环形步道被设计成一条10m宽的廊道。它从天然林地的第四自然中穿过,打开了面向遗产建筑的视野,并大受体育活动欢迎。环形步道是关税同盟遗址照明方案的一部分/The ring promenade has been designed a 10m wide cuts through the fourth nature of the spontaneous woodland,opens the view on the heritage buildings and is popular for sports activities. The ring promenade is part of the lighting concept of the Zollverein site

6 环形步道从后工业林地中穿过/The ring promenade cutting though the post-industrial woodland(5.6摄影/Photos: Claudia Drey?e)

项目信息/Credits and Data

项目/Project: 关税同盟公园/Zollverein Park

地点/Location: 德国埃森/Essen, Germany

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Planergruppe Oberhausen

艺术设计/Art: Observatorium, Rotterdam

信号设计/Signalisation: F1irstdesign, Cologne

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/566.html


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