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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06



LIU Boying: The power of the industrial revolution lies in its comprehensive changes in human society including the environment and landscape. The success of Ruhr's transition does not only rest with its accomplishment of the redevelopment of economy and social reidentification, but also lies in the recovery of both the environment and landscape that turns the scorched land into a rhythmical land. The slag heaps, a large number of retained industrial structures, facilities and equipment, railways,bridges and canals, together form the unique industrial cultural landscape of Ruhr. The four landscape design approaches based on the concept of the Fourth Nature that are introduced by the author has contributed to new meanings to continue and reveal the landscape characteristics in Ruhr. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

BO Hongtao: From the First Nature to the Fourth Nature, nature constantly preser ves or changes its patterns and appearances in tandem w ith the development o f human's attitudes of understanding and utilisation. From post-industrial wasteland, industrial nature,productive parks to urban water parks, a variety of cases reflect the gradual change of intensity in humanity's re-intervention. Minimal intervention of post-industrial wasteland is a cognitive reflection of smart land contraction. In addition to expansive expropriation, attempts can be made to return to nature land of excess production capacity in a prudent manner. Restructured industrial nature creates a path of dialogue for the integration of nature and industry. Conversion of industrial monuments into urban water parks provides strong impetus to urban real estate after ecological land restoration. Productive parks are most inspiring in that they enlighten us with brand new perspectives in such manner that is capable of both restoring the ecology through the Second Nature and providing interactive and participative patterns of ecological re-creation.(Translated by SHANG Jin)

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/566.html


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