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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:Comments LIU Boying: IBA SEE has become another successful revitalisation project for the traditional industrial area after the IBA Emscher project. It is broken down into 30 sub-items, and each of th


LIU Boying: IBA SEE has become another successful revitalisation project for the traditional industrial area after the IBA Emscher project. It is broken down into 30 sub-items, and each of them was completed with the partnership involved. The huge open-air pit became a lake landscape with the help of water injection. This not only allows visitors to enjoy both boat tours and coastal activities,but also contributes to the ecological restoration,thereby eventually transforming the pit into a large country park. F60, like the Eiffel Tower laid down, has now become a monument. This project presented a comprehensive solution to the issues including those that affect the economy, society,culture and environment, which ultimately enabled a depressed area with the problems of ecological damage, environmental pollution and population loss to achieve the integrated rejuvenation of the economy, culture, society and tourism. It helps the inhabitants regain confidence, while serving as a model of the revitalisation of mining cities in the world. (Translated by Dandan Wang)BO Hongtao: With the reunification of East and West Germany and the relocation of energy centres and upgrade of energy industry (natural gas), the traditional lignite production base of Lusatia is seeing inevitable decline. Ten years of IBA activities have demonstrated maximum level of urban mobilisation and professional guidance in the field of German industrial heritage renewal. The revitalisation of Lusatia is noted for its combination with the restoration strategy of mine pits into natural lakes by preserving and presenting traces of industrial history. Notwithstanding a huge conveyor bridge reminiscent of an alien spacecraft, or biotowers that stand like solemn temple columns, or even factories that still pump out briquettes in front of visitors today, they make up distinct landmarks in the district's industrial archaeology site. In the extensive green field and vineyards as well as beneath crystalline lakes, buried coking plant and submerged open mine pits signify a return from the industrial landscape to a natural one. (Translated by SHANG Jin)

13 卢萨蒂亚湖区地标“锈甲”。来自慕尼黑的建筑师斯特凡·吉尔斯赢得了人造卢萨蒂亚湖区地标象征的设计竞赛/The Landmark Lusatian Lakeland - the "Rusty Nail".The architect Stephan Giers from Munich won the competition for a landmark symbolising the entire manmade Lusatian Lakeland(摄影/Photo: Christina Glanz)

14 卢萨蒂亚湖区地标的楼梯/Staircase of the landmark Lusatian Lakeland(摄影/Photo: René Greger, 2008)

15 漂浮建筑。由于褐煤和其他工业,卢萨蒂亚具有许多工程和创新精神。这种精神被新勃兰登堡工业大学的漂浮建筑研究所进一步发展/Floating architecture. Lusatia has a lot of engineering and innovation spirit due to lignite and other industries. This spirit is further developed by the Institute for Floating Buildings of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg(摄影/Photo: Professional photo Kliche)

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 德国卢萨蒂亚/Lausitz, Germany

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Rolf Kuhn

设计团队支持/Team Consisting: 建筑设计师,景观设

计师,经济学家,城市规划师,技术助理/Architects,landscape designers, economists, City- and Urban planners,and technical assistants

场地面积/Site Area: 400hm2

造价/Cost: 4400万欧元/44M EUR

设计与施工时间/Period of Design and Realisation: 2000-2010

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/567.html


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