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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:In addition, there are the floating architectures on several lakes (Fig. 15). They correspond to the engineering and inventive spirit of the region to be further developed by the Institute for Floatin

In addition, there are the floating architectures on several lakes (Fig. 15). They correspond to the engineering and inventive spirit of the region to be further developed by the Institute for Floating Buildings of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg in order to be innovative for our and other water landscapes of this world. □

[1] Internationale Bauausstellung IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land 2000-2010. Verwundete Landschaft neu gestalten: Die IBA Werkstatt in der Lausitz[M]. Berlin,jovis Verlag, 2012.

[2] IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land. Neue Landschaft Lausitz:IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land 2000-2010[M]. Berlin, jovis Verlag, 2010.

4 F60采矿桥这一卢萨蒂亚最大的典型采矿机器被改造成了一个步入式游客矿井和声光雕塑/The largest mining machine typical of Lusatia, the F60 conveyor bridge, was converted into a walk-in visitor mine as well as into a light and sound sculpture(摄影/Photo: Gerhard Kassner)

5 劳赫哈默原焦化厂的塔式生物滤池。前大型焦化厂的生物污水处理厂已经转变为具有独特工业建筑的探险和活动场所/The Biotowers of Lauchhammer. A biological sewage treatment plant for the former large coking plant has been transformed into an adventure and event location with unique industrial architecture(摄影/Photo: Thomas Kl?ber)

6 劳赫哈默原焦化厂的历史照片,塔式生物滤池在其后方,生物废水处理厂为工业用水服务/Historic view of the coking plant in Lauchhammer with the biotowers in the back, serving biological wastewater treatment plant for industrial waters(图片来源/Source: Disos archive)

7 普莱萨发电厂。令人印象深刻的普莱萨发电厂已有80多年的历史,被认为是欧洲最古老的褐煤发电厂,该发电厂保留了原有的结构。直到1992年,该计划才产生电力。这个“工作大教堂”现在向游客开放/Plessa power impressive Plessa power plant, which is over 80 years old,is considered to be the oldest lignite-fired power plant in Europe, which has been preserved in its original 1992, the plan produced electricity. This "Cathedral of Work" is now open to visitors(摄影/Photo: Johannes Lange,2007)

8 路易丝煤球厂。路易丝的工业纪念碑,作为一个前煤球厂,不仅是一个能源教育机构,也是一个生产生物炭的能源农场。该址属于“卢萨蒂亚工业遗产能源之路”的旅游路线/Briquette factory LOUISE The industrial monument LOUISE -a former briquette factory - is to house not only an energy educational institution but also a producing energy farm for biochar. The site belongs to the touristic route "Lusatian Energy Route of Industrial Heritage"(摄影/Photo: Cornelia Rumpf, 2006)

9 马尔加田园城市。马尔加曾被建设为工程定居点,如今是德国最古老的田园聚落。 它在铁幕落下后重建,从此焕发出新的辉煌。/The Garden city Marga. Marga has been built as works settlement and is today the oldest garden settlement in Germany. It was reconstructed after the fall of the iron curtain and has shone in new splendour ever since(摄影/Photo: Radke LMBV, 2007)

10 卢萨蒂亚湖区鸟瞰/Aerial view of Lusatian Lakeland(摄影/Photo: Radke LMBV, 2008)

11 森夫滕贝格码头。凭借其独特的形状,港口将为前褐煤之都森夫滕贝格(一个拥有24,500名居民的城市)的新形象做出贡献。这是通过获奖者柏林bgmr景观设计事务所的设计实现的/The city habour of Senftenberg. With its characteristic shape, the harbour was to contribute to a new image for the former lignite capital: Senftenberg, a city of 24,500 inhabitants. This was achieved by the design of firstplaced landscape architects bgmr from Berlin (摄影/Photo: Mario Hambsch)

12 获奖者柏林bgmr景观设计事务所的森夫滕贝格码头设计效果图/The city habour of Senftenberg - visualisation of the competition winner bgmr, Berlin


刘伯英:IBA SEE是继IBA埃姆舍尔之后又一个成功的传统工业区复兴项目,它被分解为30个子项,分别建立合作伙伴关系进行实施。将大面积露天矿坑注水形成湖泊景观,组织水上观光和沿岸体验,生态得以恢复,并成为大型郊野公园。F60这座“躺着的埃菲尔铁塔”成为纪念碑。项目突出了经济、社会、文化、环境等问题的综合解决,最终让一个生态破坏、环境污染、人口大量流失的衰退地区,实现了经济、文化、社会、旅游的综合复兴,让居民重拾自信,成为世界矿业城市复兴的典范。


文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/567.html


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