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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:What is attractive for this post-mining landscape, with some 20 lakes stemming from former mines, was controversial. Many inhabitants of this landscape did not want to know anything more about the now

What is attractive for this post-mining landscape, with some 20 lakes stemming from former mines, was controversial. Many inhabitants of this landscape did not want to know anything more about the now dilapidated industry and wished for a natural looking lake landscape. The IBA representatives had a completely different did not want an unreal copy of glacial lake areas, but a landscape with authenticity, which does not deny its past and shows that even a man-made landscape can be lovable and attractive.

This has been achieved by preserving,renovating or retrofitting the best testimonies of industrial culture, thus strengthening the character and attractiveness of the landscape and telling of its origins. Examples are the large F60 mining bridges at Lichterfeld (as a visitor mine and light and sound sculpture, Fig. 4), the bio-towers of the former coking plant in Lauchhammer (Fig. 5, 6), the Plessa power plant (Fig. 7) and the Louise briquette factory in Domsdorf (Fig. 8). The garden city of Marga in Brieske near Senftenberg also became an attractive place to live in (Fig. 9).

3 IBA(2000-2010)总平面图“皮克勒亲王郡”标示出30处IBA项目/Site plan of the International Building Exhibition(2000-2010) "Fürst-Pückler Land" showing the 30 IBA projects

IBA项目/IBA Projects

1-IBA起始点大雷申湖南部/IBA Start Site Grossr?schen-South

2-F60游客矿井/F60 Visitors' Mine

3-漂浮探索中心“太阳”/Floating Discovery Centre "The Sun"

4-普莱萨发电厂/Event Power Plant Plessa

5-劳赫哈默生物塔/Lauchhammer Bio-Towers

6-马尔加工业区和田园城市/Marga Industrial Estate and Garden City

7-森夫滕贝格湖水小镇/Lake Town Senftenberg

8-卢萨蒂亚湖区地标/Landmark Lusatian Lake Land

9-盖尔施瓦德湖上的漂浮建筑/Floating Homes at Lake Geierswalde

10-塞德利茨泻湖村/Sedlitz Lagoon Village

11-塞德利茨湖上漂浮船坞/Floating Pontoon on Lake Sedlitz

12-塞德利茨湖水上运动中心/Lake Sedlitz Water Sports Centre

13-韦尔措景观项目/Landscape Project Welzow

14-韦尔措能源景观/Welzow Energy Landscape

15-巴特穆斯考皮克勒王子公园/Prince Pückler Park Bad Muskau

16-穆斯考地质公园新月煤矿/Geopark Muskau Coal Crescent

17-古宾主教堂/Gubin's Main Church

18-古本羊毛 - 尼萨河中岛 - 狼之屋/Gubener Wolle - Island in the River Neisse - Wolf House

19-科特布斯东湖/East Lake in Cottbus

20-布拉尼茨皮克勒王子公园/Prince Pückler Park Branitz

21-萨克申多夫-马德洛大定居点/Large Settlement Sachsendorf-Madlow

22-拉杜什斯拉夫人堡垒/Slavic Fort Raddusch

23-狂欢水世界/Water World of the Spree

24-万宁申希尔曼自然景观/Sielmann's Natural Landscape Wanninchen

25-弗斯蒂申德瑞赫文化景观/Cultural Landscape Fürstlich Drehna

26-阿尔德贝尔恩景观艺术“手”/Landscape Art "The Hand" Altd?bern

27-格拉本多夫湖上漂浮房屋Floating Homes on Lake Gr?bendorf

28-普林岑艺术景观/Pritzen Art Landscape

29-能量 - 卢萨蒂亚工业遗产之路/ENERGY - The Lusation Route of Industrial Heritage

30-皮克勒王子小径/Prince Pückler Path

景观岛屿 - IBA主题规划区域/Landscape islands - of the IBA thematically processed planning areas

能量 - 卢萨蒂亚工业遗产之路/ENERGY - The Lusation Route of Industrial Heritage

A-IBA坡地游客中心/IBA-Terraces Visitor Centre

B-F60游客矿井/F60 Visitors' Mine

C-路易丝煤球厂作品/Louise Briquette Works

D-普莱萨发电厂/EEvent Power Plant Plessa

E-劳赫哈默生物塔/Lauchhammer Bio-Towers

F-马尔加工业区和田园城市/Marga Industrial Estate and Garden City

G-克纳皮恩罗德工厂/Energy Factory Knappenrode

H-黑泵电站/Schwarze Pumpe Power Station

I-韦尔措南部露天矿井/Welzow-South Opencast Mining

J-科特布斯电站艺术博物馆/Art Museum Cottbus Power Station

At the same time, however, the new landscape was to be shaped by the signs of our time, and its quality and unique character were to be determined and experienced. This was achieved on the one hand by the many kilometres of new cycling and skating paths around each lake and the twelve canals (some with locks) that connect the ten central lakes in a navigable way (Fig. 10). On the other hand,architecture tailored to the Lusatian Lakeland and our times accentuate the edges of the lakes. They resulted from international competitions. Examples include the IBA Terraces in Gro?r?schen (Fig. 2ae), the harbour in Senftenberg (Fig. 11, 12) and the landmark (Rostiger Nagel) on the canal between Lake Sedlitz and Lake Geierswald (Fig. 13, 14).

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/567.html


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