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来源:中国矿业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-05-06
摘要:The be-MINE project offer multiple benefits to the city and the region. It helps protecting the industrial heritage by re-developments, improves the services and infrastructure for the immediate surro

The be-MINE project offer multiple benefits to the city and the region. It helps protecting the industrial heritage by re-developments, improves the services and infrastructure for the immediate surroundings and houses the growing population,which moves to Beringen as the middle of the ELA triangle (Eindhoven, Leuven, and Aachen).The be-MINE project will provide up to 400 new residential entities. Moreover, with 300 jobs realised and a total estimate of 500 jobs in the future, be-MINE significantly contributes to the economic restructuring of the city - a city, where after mining the unemployment rate were always higher than in the average of Flanders until recently. Finally yet importantly, the project contributes to the developing leisure economy of the region. The province of Limburg contains several natural parks and a high-quality cycling network connecting seven former mining sites as the so-called "Kolenspoor" -and be-MINE is a valuable part of that. □

8-10 be-MINE的娱乐设施/Entertainments in be-MINE(8.9图片来源/Sources: Sportoase be-MINE Beringen,10图片来源/Sources: TODI Diving Centre)

11 地图/Map

12 室内攀岩中心/Indoor climbing centre(图片来源/Sources:Alpamayo Climbing Centre)

项目信息/Credits and Data

开发公司/Development Company: Company Submitting the Entry be-MINE NV

开发商投资方/Developer-shareholders: LRM NV, Ciril NV,Van Roey Vastgoed NV

主要政府投资方 /Major Government Stakeholders: City of Beringen, Province of Limburg

建筑与总体规划者/Architect-Masterplanner: UAU Collectiv

施工时间/Construction Date:

项目交付时间/Project Delivery Date: 5年内/Less than 5 years

总建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 118,000m2

用地面积/Land Area: 400,000m2





HE Long: The introduction of the entertainment function serves as the critical factor for the revitalisation of the be-MINE project. Its success does not merely lie in the rational supplement to the industrial models or the profit it brings, but also thanks to the introduction of the entertainment function that helps to completely activate the glamour of the space and the vitality of the landscape (which is more valuable). While the entertainment strengthens the dialogue between the architectural space in the park, it completes the interaction between the park and the northern earth mound at the same time. The tacit understanding of the form and function renders the guess of the original design logic difficult: Whether the form was induced by the function, or did the form rouse the function? (Translated by Dandan Wang)

ZHANG Jie: The transformation of waste pit into unique landscape has become one of the paradigms of modern industrial relic reconstruction and utilisation, and be-MINE has arguably pushed this method to the renovation project not only transforms the abandoned colliery into a unique landscape, but also makes use of the terrain cleverly by arranging a variety of entertainment functions, making the "landscape" of industrial waste land a very dynamic scene. If the former "scrapyard" is an easy fight spot for cop movies, the converted "scrapheap" at Beringen's colliery offers a unique adventure amusement park for city dwellers. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

13 停车场/Parking

14 原“废料堆”上的地标建筑/Landmark on the former"terril"(摄影/Photo: Jonathan Vaes)

文章来源:《中国矿业大学学报》 网址: http://www.zgkydxxbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0506/565.html


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